Crystal Turner
Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Practice details and specialties
States Licensed to Practice
Education and Advanced Training
Texas Tech Health Sciences Center: BS, Occupational Therapy
Handwriting Without Tears
Executive Functioning
Healthy Interventions for Autism
Sensory & ADHD in Children and Adolescents
Understanding and Managing Visual Deficits in Children
Languages Spoken
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
ADS (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Balance and Posture Issues
Emotional Regulation
Developmental Delay
Down Syndrome
Executive Functioning
Fine Motor Delay
Handwriting Difficulties
Learning Challenges
Motor Delays
Motor Planning and Coordination
Play Skills
Self-Care Skills
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Seeking or Sensory Avoidance Behaviors
Transition and Routine Difficulties
Visual Motor Integration Problems
Visual Perceptual and Visual Motor Integration Difficulties

Get to know me
Other Interests
My husband and I have three fun and always adventurous teenage boys! We love to travel, create adventures, and add value and kindness wherever we go. As a teenage boy mom and OT, modifying life's daily activities and teaching them to become thriving adults is a skill set I continue to develop every day!