For Families

For Providers

For Families

For Providers

Stephanie Kovacs



Pediatric Occupational Therapist

Practice details and specialties

States Licensed to Practice

  • California

  • Colorado

  • Florida

  • Illinois

  • Texas

Education and Advanced Training

Medical University of South Carolina:
Master of Science - MS, Occupational Therapy/Therapist

University of Illinois:
Champaign-Urbana: Bachelor of Science - BS, Kinesiology

  • ILS

  • SOS feeding

  • Beckman Oral Motor

  • STAR- Level 2 Sensory Processing Proficiency

  • Spiral Foundation- Sensory Processing

  • USC Sensory Processing Assessment and Intervention

  • Handwriting Without Tears

  • Bowel/Bladder Dysfunction

  • Trauma-Informed Care Training

  • DIR Floortime- Advanced Practitioner.

  • Currently in fellowship as Infant-Parent Mental Health Specialist

Languages Spoken

  • English


  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Balance and Posture Issues

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder

  • Developmental Delay

  • Down Syndrome

  • Early Childhood Development

  • Executive Functioning

  • Feeding and Oral Motor Difficulties

  • Fine Motor Delay

  • Genetic Syndromes

  • Handwriting Difficulties

  • Learning Challenges

  • Motor Delays

  • Motor Planning and Coordination

  • Play Skills

  • Self-Care Skills

  • Sensory Processing Disorder

  • Sensory Seeking or Sensory Avoidance Behaviors

  • Social Communication Disorder

  • Transition and Routine Difficulties

  • Visual Motor Integration Problems

  • Visual Perceptual and Visual Motor Integration Difficulties

Get to know me

I am an experienced Outpatient Pediatric Occupational Therapist with a passion for collaborating with caregivers and being part of their "team" to support their child. I understand the value that caregivers provide when they share their expertise and insights about their child, and I know that "progress" towards therapeutic goals happens most effectively and sustainably when we "work" together. From a treatment perspective, I am focused on taking a strengths-based, evidence-driven approach to supporting my therapeutic outcomes. What really drew me to Kinspire was the opportunity the model provided to be integrated into families' lives not just 1 hour a week, but the other 167 hours of the week as well.

I graduated with my master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from the Medical University of South Carolina and have worked almost exclusively in pediatric mental health and outpatient pediatric therapy settings. I am a passionate and avid learner, and I hold an advanced level practitioner certification in DIR Floortime, am a Star Institute Advanced Mentored Clinician in Sensory Processing Disorder, am certified in the Sensory Integration series through Spiral Foundation, hold a certification in the Ayres’ Sensory Integration Theory, Assessment, and Treatment program through the University of Southern California, and I am currently a fellow in the Infant-Parent Mental Health Specialist fellowship program through UC Davis. I also have a variety of training and experience in the following areas: Integrated Listening Systems, trauma-informed care, bowel/bladder difficulties, feeding, and social-emotional development.

I live in one of my favorite cities in the world (Chicago), and I enjoy good coffee, travel, family time, and snuggling with my pugs Cheez Whiz and Sloppy Joe.

I am an experienced Outpatient Pediatric Occupational Therapist with a passion for collaborating with caregivers and being part of their "team" to support their child. I understand the value that caregivers provide when they share their expertise and insights about their child, and I know that "progress" towards therapeutic goals happens most effectively and sustainably when we "work" together. From a treatment perspective, I am focused on taking a strengths-based, evidence-driven approach to supporting my therapeutic outcomes. What really drew me to Kinspire was the opportunity the model provided to be integrated into families' lives not just 1 hour a week, but the other 167 hours of the week as well.

I graduated with my master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from the Medical University of South Carolina and have worked almost exclusively in pediatric mental health and outpatient pediatric therapy settings. I am a passionate and avid learner, and I hold an advanced level practitioner certification in DIR Floortime, am a Star Institute Advanced Mentored Clinician in Sensory Processing Disorder, am certified in the Sensory Integration series through Spiral Foundation, hold a certification in the Ayres’ Sensory Integration Theory, Assessment, and Treatment program through the University of Southern California, and I am currently a fellow in the Infant-Parent Mental Health Specialist fellowship program through UC Davis. I also have a variety of training and experience in the following areas: Integrated Listening Systems, trauma-informed care, bowel/bladder difficulties, feeding, and social-emotional development.

I live in one of my favorite cities in the world (Chicago), and I enjoy good coffee, travel, family time, and snuggling with my pugs Cheez Whiz and Sloppy Joe.

I am an experienced Outpatient Pediatric Occupational Therapist with a passion for collaborating with caregivers and being part of their "team" to support their child. I understand the value that caregivers provide when they share their expertise and insights about their child, and I know that "progress" towards therapeutic goals happens most effectively and sustainably when we "work" together. From a treatment perspective, I am focused on taking a strengths-based, evidence-driven approach to supporting my therapeutic outcomes. What really drew me to Kinspire was the opportunity the model provided to be integrated into families' lives not just 1 hour a week, but the other 167 hours of the week as well.

I graduated with my master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from the Medical University of South Carolina and have worked almost exclusively in pediatric mental health and outpatient pediatric therapy settings. I am a passionate and avid learner, and I hold an advanced level practitioner certification in DIR Floortime, am a Star Institute Advanced Mentored Clinician in Sensory Processing Disorder, am certified in the Sensory Integration series through Spiral Foundation, hold a certification in the Ayres’ Sensory Integration Theory, Assessment, and Treatment program through the University of Southern California, and I am currently a fellow in the Infant-Parent Mental Health Specialist fellowship program through UC Davis. I also have a variety of training and experience in the following areas: Integrated Listening Systems, trauma-informed care, bowel/bladder difficulties, feeding, and social-emotional development.

I live in one of my favorite cities in the world (Chicago), and I enjoy good coffee, travel, family time, and snuggling with my pugs Cheez Whiz and Sloppy Joe.

I am an experienced Outpatient Pediatric Occupational Therapist with a passion for collaborating with caregivers and being part of their "team" to support their child. I understand the value that caregivers provide when they share their expertise and insights about their child, and I know that "progress" towards therapeutic goals happens most effectively and sustainably when we "work" together. From a treatment perspective, I am focused on taking a strengths-based, evidence-driven approach to supporting my therapeutic outcomes. What really drew me to Kinspire was the opportunity the model provided to be integrated into families' lives not just 1 hour a week, but the other 167 hours of the week as well.

I graduated with my master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from the Medical University of South Carolina and have worked almost exclusively in pediatric mental health and outpatient pediatric therapy settings. I am a passionate and avid learner, and I hold an advanced level practitioner certification in DIR Floortime, am a Star Institute Advanced Mentored Clinician in Sensory Processing Disorder, am certified in the Sensory Integration series through Spiral Foundation, hold a certification in the Ayres’ Sensory Integration Theory, Assessment, and Treatment program through the University of Southern California, and I am currently a fellow in the Infant-Parent Mental Health Specialist fellowship program through UC Davis. I also have a variety of training and experience in the following areas: Integrated Listening Systems, trauma-informed care, bowel/bladder difficulties, feeding, and social-emotional development.

I live in one of my favorite cities in the world (Chicago), and I enjoy good coffee, travel, family time, and snuggling with my pugs Cheez Whiz and Sloppy Joe.

I am an experienced Outpatient Pediatric Occupational Therapist with a passion for collaborating with caregivers and being part of their "team" to support their child. I understand the value that caregivers provide when they share their expertise and insights about their child, and I know that "progress" towards therapeutic goals happens most effectively and sustainably when we "work" together. From a treatment perspective, I am focused on taking a strengths-based, evidence-driven approach to supporting my therapeutic outcomes. What really drew me to Kinspire was the opportunity the model provided to be integrated into families' lives not just 1 hour a week, but the other 167 hours of the week as well.

I graduated with my master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from the Medical University of South Carolina and have worked almost exclusively in pediatric mental health and outpatient pediatric therapy settings. I am a passionate and avid learner, and I hold an advanced level practitioner certification in DIR Floortime, am a Star Institute Advanced Mentored Clinician in Sensory Processing Disorder, am certified in the Sensory Integration series through Spiral Foundation, hold a certification in the Ayres’ Sensory Integration Theory, Assessment, and Treatment program through the University of Southern California, and I am currently a fellow in the Infant-Parent Mental Health Specialist fellowship program through UC Davis. I also have a variety of training and experience in the following areas: Integrated Listening Systems, trauma-informed care, bowel/bladder difficulties, feeding, and social-emotional development.

I live in one of my favorite cities in the world (Chicago), and I enjoy good coffee, travel, family time, and snuggling with my pugs Cheez Whiz and Sloppy Joe.

Other Interests

Outside of my profession, I am deeply devoted to traveling, my family, good coffee, and my love of pugs. I try to find as many opportunities as I can to share my love of cooking with others, and my banana bread recipe has many fans :). On the weekends, I love to explore farmer's markets, be outside, and be active. Overall, I consider myself to be a "kid at heart", and hope to share my love of being playful and being "in the moment" with others.

"Kinspire allows me to build relationships with caregivers more effectively so we can learn from each other and better support their child in a way that feels relevant, practical, and supportive for each unique family. No child is the same and no family is the same, and this process allows that deeper connection and individualized support."